Асансьор is a thing now, but why?


Finding the perfect office space for &play was a challenge. Nothing was spacious enough, all we managed to find were grey-carpeted, corporate-looking (nothing personal, corporations) cubicle-destined offices. But after a significant amount of ever more hopeless browsing, there it was. The Factory. High ceilings, big windows, enough space to play futsal, and a freight elevator entrance slapped directly in the middle of the largest meeting room. Wait, that last part was a bit weird. But we were always going to make it work.

A janky, squeaky, crooked, rusty old piece of industrial equipment – it was destined for beautiful things, wasn’t it?

After painting its doors the bluest blue we could find, we already knew – this was an art gallery if we’d ever seen one. And if you’ve taken a look at this website, you know we’re all about New Creativity. We believe the constant search for new formats, forms and expressions of creativity is vital.

So we enlisted Denitsa, our Graphic Designer and part-time UR (urban relations) specialist, to find great local artists and extort them for artworks they are willing to risk. And she delivered, quite literally, by not only connecting with amazing new people but also transporting their pieces of work and arranging them in the very confined space.

All of this was happening as a part of an event of our small community of companies in the old tobacco factory of downtown Sofia. It was a success and the artists Denitsa curated were curious whether we’d do such a thing again. Oh yes, we would.

Асансьор was born, using the very French Bulgarian word for elevator and a very Dido-esque visual identity.

Check our Team page for clarification on the Dido-esque term. A second batch of exciting artists’ work was curated and an autumn event makes it two occasions already. It is becoming a regular thing, so stay tuned to our social channels to find out more about when the next one is coming.